Alicia Lyttle & Lorette Lyttle 

Make Your Calendar

Date: Every Thursday

Time: 2pm EST / 11am PST

Join Our Facebook Group

The Learning Tube 
Hosted by Alicia Lyttle & Lorette Lyttle
Follow these steps to get the MOST out of the Live Masterclass:

Watch on a desktop or laptop (NOT a phone).

Your phone screen won't allow for the best experience or allow you to take part in the chat.

Set aside at least 90 minutes for the class and block off your calendar

so you don't have any distractions. Make sure to close all of your other applications when we're live.

Engage on the class LIVE! Attention = Retention.

The more you engage, the more you'll get out of the class. 

DISCLAIMER: Any sales figures stated in our various training sessions either hosted by ourselves or by others are our personal sales figures or our guests with verified sales figures. These figures are not typical and we do not imply that by taking any of these training, you will get the same results. We have the benefit of over 20 years of experience, and as a result, have a solid understanding of the various systems. Your results will vary and depend on many factors that are out of our control. Factors such as your background, experience, your willingness to follow and take direction, accept constructive feedback, and most importantly your work ethic. To see the success it is important to implement what is taught and take consistent action. Joining any of these training programs does entail risk. If you are not willing to accept the risk and take consistent effort and action, then please do not join our programs or any of the programs we may promote. At the end of many of these training, there will be offers for people who want to work more closely either with us or with our guest trainers who want to get help to implement the training that they learned. The opportunity to join these various programs is completely optional, and you can leave without buying anything. You can also take what you learned in the training and implement the strategies on your own.